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Veal stew with potatoes
Veal stew with potatoes. Home cooking and family lexicon
Stew is a classic recipe from home cooking and Italian tradition. This dish belongs to the family of braised meat. Usually, for that kind of stew, you can choose a less expensive cut of beef, or lamb, cut into bite-sized pieces, browned in a pot with oil and butter, and then simmered over low heat with…
Giugetti pasta in bean broth
Giugetti pasta in bean stock. Cucina povera of Romagna
Giugetti is an identity dish of the cucina povera of Romagna. Known as giugetti, giogetti, or patacucci, they belong to the large family of maltagliati and manfrigoli. They are small squares of sfoglia matta (eggless) cooked in a brodo matto (meatless broth) . This forgotten dish was typical winter eating in the second half of the 19th…
Eggless potato gnocchi with clams
Eggless potato gnocchi with clams. Cucina povera of Romagna
Online, you can find dozens of recipes for potato gnocchi with clams posted by as many Italian food bloggers. In this way, the recipe is everyone's and no one's. Yet, like so many other dishes, this one has its own history that no one remembers or that some people spread with mistakes attached, like the ones…
Traditional spoja lorda in broth
Spoja lorda in broth (cheese stuffed pasta squares)
The cheese-filled squares of spoja lorda I put to dry on the pasta dryer look like puzzle pieces. In recent years, I have first scattered them on the table and then reassembled these pieces to create a new mosaic, more colorful and interesting, something in which I wanted to recognize myself again, feeling happy and proud…
Sweet potato pudding, a recipe from cucina povera (without flour)
Potato pudding, a recipe from cucina povera (without flour)
Sweet potato pudding is a recipe that belongs to my family's repertoire and to the cucina povera of Bologna and Romagna, an area where potatoes are a traditional product and were historically part of the food diet of the poor people. I can still hear my maternal grandmother's voice as she laces up her apron, remembering…
Stuffed capon of Bologna
Stuffed capon from Bologna, a home recipe for special events
The Christmas menu was a puzzle that, year after year, took shape and changed. Some dishes were untouchable dishes and others went in and out of the composition each time. Stuffed capon, in our house, also called galantina, was a Christmas dish of the second group. And if it did not take its place on the Christmas lunch…
Spongata cake
Spongata cake, an old Christmas recipe from Emilia
Spongata cake is a recipe from Emilia that has very ancient origins. Signs of its ancestors can be traced to Etruscan, Jewish, and Roman cultures. In medieval times, nuns and monks reworked the recipe. Little by little, and that is the history of all the panspeziale (spice cakes) and panforte of Europe, the spongata cake left…
Green cappelletti
Green cappelletti of Grandma Sara
That is a home recipe. And I mean I have never had it anywhere else. And the reason I titled the post-Green Cappelletti of Grandma Sara. After so many recipes from the Via Emilia, I am happy to return with a familiar dish that has accompanied my life since I was a little girl. I particularly love…
Macaroni pie of Ferrara
Macaroni pie of Ferrara (pasticcio di maccheroni)
The macaroni pie, known as pasticcio di maccheroni alla ferrarese, is a traditional dish with very ancient origins. Because of this, it has undergone many modifications over the centuries. The current version combines medieval features with modern reinterpretations. The external shell is a sweet, shortcrust pastry; the filling is made with macaroni seasoned with a white…
Sabadoni cookies from cucina povera of Romagna and Bologna
Sabadoni cookies are sweet, rectangular-shaped tortelli filled with chestnuts and a handful of other ingredients. They are a typical sweet from the cucina povera of Romagna, which we can find under the same name or under that of chestnut tortelli in an area that also includes Bologna and Ferrara. The name sabadoni comes from saba, the…

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